Heart of Darkness essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Heart of Darkness · In his book, Heart of Darkness: Search for Unconscious, the author Gary Adelman notes that as the journey proceeded from the Coastal Station to Kurtz’s outpost, the darkness rapidly became associated with the barbarity, anthropophagy and human sacrifice, with the Africans significantly perceived as the quintessence of the mentioned elements/5(7) Essay on Heart of Darkness. Words | 5 Pages. Joseph Conrad's The Heart of Darkness is a dark and haunting tale about the search for a substantial and mysteriously powerful man named Mr. Kurtz. Heart of Darkness centers around Marlow, a sailor and also narrator of the novella
Heart of Darkness - Words | Essay Example
The modernist movement of the early 20th century significantly altered the way literature and art was perceived in human society. Most themes illustrated in modernism are diverse, difficult and disturbing to understand. Heart of Darkness is one of the literary works embracing modernism. Cobley illustrates that like most of the Victorian predecessors, Heart of Darkness anchors itself on the traditional principles of heroism However, the principle of heroism is attacked in the evolving world and in spheres away from England.
For instance, women are seen essays on heart of darkness hold conventional roles as arbiters of domesticity and morality. Hence, Heart of Darkness has represented them in this unique perspective. These include being influential, hardworking and having a different perception among men. Perhaps, this uniqueness shaped the way they contributed to the society during their time, and their evolving roles in modern society.
During the 18th century and upwards, African exploration was popular among the Europeans. Though exploration was an opportunity of discovering new lands, it is evident that the urge to explore Africa was compelled by reasons other than the spirit of adventure Davis et al, We can, therefore, deduce that women had a great impact in society, whereas the exploration of Europeans led to the establishment of imperialism in places where they explored.
Over the ages, change in the roles of essays on heart of darkness has been observed across the world. Rather than being home keepers, women have increasingly taken different roles. These roles have been changing. Though the traditional roles have been reflected in modern society, they continue to assert more influence and new responsibilities overtime Davis et al Women in different cultures had different roles compared to men; for example, white women were still strategists and powerful because of their shrewd network and influence in the male dominated business.
The African woman was viewed as a good homemaker and was elegant. Heart of Darkness perhaps utilizes the importance of women and the role they played in the modernism period. Heart of Darkness illustrates the changing role of women in different perspectives.
Traditionally, essays on heart of darkness, men were regarded as the breadwinners of the family Cobley The society demanded them to work hard in all their endeavors to sustain this goal. However, due to modernity, we see the trend shifting. Women have assumed the traditional role of men in the society of being the breadwinners of the family. In Heart of DarknessConrad portrays women knitting black wool to earn an income.
This illustration indicates the determination of women in the society in assuming new roles or challenges Damrosch and Dettmar Beauty was a common attribute which was connected to every woman in the society, essays on heart of darkness. Marlow argues the unique beauty of the native woman. Marlow has been used by Conrad to explain how men view women in society. Marlow represents many other men who were of the opinion that women live in the realm of their own world, governed by rules.
Women had different perceptions in the eyes of men during the imperialistic periods. For a white, she was viewed as a mistress, wealthy and naïve.
For example, Conrad notes that society and imperialists treated a white woman with dignity because of her status and influence in the society The native African was seen has a mistress and was treated with statues fitting the title Damrosch and Dettmar Moreover, the characteristics of women during the Victorian and postcolonial periods were distinct Cobley The women had two sets of characteristics: seemingly, the accepted Victorian values and the postcolonial values.
Her innocence would suggest her purity. The Intended would have symbolized civilization. The mistress would show us determined, savage, care of her loved one leaving. The African woman would have symbolized the savage unknown that was Africa, essays on heart of darkness. According to Cobley the postcolonial reading would show the Intended as foolish, mourning a man she barely knew. Her innocence would suggest her naivety; her faith based on a lie.
The mistress would appear as erotic, living on in independence without Kurtz. This movement did not only occur in Africa, but also in other continents such as Asia and Latin America, essays on heart of darkness. The motivation of most European powers to colonize was the urge to gain more wealth and make their countries back at home essays on heart of darkness economically.
This illustrates that the colonial masters pioneered new lands to find more money and fortune overseas. The movement led to the development of imperialist powers in places where colonialism happened.
The novel explores Congo as the epicenter of colonial influence and imperialism. Marlow is happy that colonialism work has essays on heart of darkness achieved, essays on heart of darkness.
In this case, he means the colonist has essays on heart of darkness in influencing the culture, essays on heart of darkness, commerce, salvation and religion aspects of Congo society. This suggests one of the motivations of imperialist for colonists overseas was trade. The reality of colonialism is symbolized through the District Manager who takes the position of an imperialist and the colony as a whole Conrad The Europeans were stretched, trying to find alternatives to govern and protect the new massive and far-flung essays on heart of darkness. In this case, Conrad refers to dark places as African continent.
He asserts that, it was not smooth sailing for the European imperialists because their expansion mission drew cracks or divisions. These cracks caused anxiety to white men living in distant lands of the won empires. Conrad notes this is natural, essays on heart of darkness. He argues that when men are granted permission to work outside a social establishment of checks, essays on heart of darkness, balances and power; and specifically power over other fellow beings, they become inevitably corrupt Conrad As evidenced from history, the Europeans use all the means they had to ensure they secured a colony in Africa.
This meant that they could use force and wars to entice African chiefs among other tactics. This remark indicates the nature of colonialism. Rather than stealing they added a fight on top of it. Racism is a contemporary issue which has attracted global attention. Hence, the colonialism did not divorce it from their colonization process. They capitalized on the issue because they viewed themselves as superior to other races. Marlow is referring essays on heart of darkness the Europeans annexing the land belonging to the black people because they were of a different color.
Hence, Marlow is embracing racism. Marlow, in most occasions uses racial remarks and the language which dehumanize the blacks. This suggests the blacks were being utilized as slaves. The horn was calling for them to react to it. His terminal illness is a representation of the eventual death of imperialism as they cannot adapt or respect the existing African culture Conrad In the end, Marlow tells Kurtz Intended that his last words were her name.
This is symbolic of the imperialist noble act to explore and try to do good in her honor and to African continent respectively, essays on heart of darkness. Heart of Darkness illustrates the industriousness of women through finding a source of livelihood to support them. They are also seen as apt strategists. Women also have been labeled as beautiful in the novel; perhaps, this is why men have a natural urge towards them.
Imperialism was a major factor contributing to European expansion interests in Africa. As Heart of Darkness notes, European powers were much interested in accumulating more wealth for their countries back at home.
Rather than embracing a justice system, the imperialist created more problems in the society Damrosch and Dettmar As discussed in the paper, blacks were dehumanized, race factor was common and use of force to rule and acquire wealth was a common phenomenon.
We can learn that the novel helps to bring out the ideals of colonialism and independence and the changing roles of women in society. Thus, Heart of Darkness can be viewed as a modernist work of literature.
Cobley, Evelyn. Modernism and the Culture of Efficiency: Ideology and Fiction ,Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Damrosch, David and Dettmar Kevin J H. Longman Anthology of British LiteratureLondon: Longman, Davis, Paul, Harrison Gary, Johnson M David and Crawford F John. The Bedford Anthology of World Literature: The Modern World, The Present. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?
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Heart of Darkness essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Heart of Darkness · In his book, Heart of Darkness: Search for Unconscious, the author Gary Adelman notes that as the journey proceeded from the Coastal Station to Kurtz’s outpost, the darkness rapidly became associated with the barbarity, anthropophagy and human sacrifice, with the Africans significantly perceived as the quintessence of the mentioned elements/5(7) Essay on Heart of Darkness. Words | 5 Pages. Joseph Conrad's The Heart of Darkness is a dark and haunting tale about the search for a substantial and mysteriously powerful man named Mr. Kurtz. Heart of Darkness centers around Marlow, a sailor and also narrator of the novella
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