Nov 06, · 10 Lines on Importance of English Language Essay in English. 1. Every year, , new words are added to the English vocabulary. 2. Words like Selfie, Blogging, are new additions to this language. 3. Every one person out of five can speak and understand English. 4. English has acquired the tag of the language of the internet. blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins English has been the considered to be the first global Lingua Franca. In today’s modern world the English language has become part and parcel of every existing field. It has been an international language of communication, business, science, information technology, entertainment and so on Oct 22, · English is spoken as a first language by around million people around the world. English is the language of the media industry. So if you learn English you don’t have to rely on subtitle or dubbing to enjoy your favorite shows. English is also the language of the Internet. Many websites are in English. So you must learn English
The importance of English language: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
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